Lady Teal leaving Liverpool again, such a great trip we do love it. Many thanks to Alison the keeper who gave us a hand at Stanley flight.
There is a new regime now for coming into and out of Liverpool and I have to say I think it is a lot better. It removes a lot of the time pressures that existed when you had to rush from bridge to bridge and to the locks, also you used to have to leave Salthouse at 8 but now it is up to 9.30, much more civilised.
So a lovely sail out and then a glorious sunset as we finished up dinner.
As those of you who regularly look at my ramblings know, and I hope there are some out there, I do love a good sunset.
There has been no post processing on this shot, though I do have to admit it was slightly underexposed in order to enrich the colours, I hope you like it.