A bit of a damp start on the Leeds Liverpool, but now a sunny evening for Lady Teal, at the half way point. The lovely Lancashire views never fail to enthrall me.
Lovely sky and view across the valley. Really is lovely. But just before we got here we watched a pair of swans chasing away some Canada Geese to protect their cygnets. No actual violence, on this occasion but they do look threatening. We have watched them try to drown ducks and Geese but not on this occasion. Urban myth has it that Swans can break your arm , but it seems unlikely as their wings are not that strong. I have separated fighting swans and not suffered even a bruise. The beaks have some sharp bits but they are more uncomfortable than damaging to us.
But onto my other question, just how long is the Leeds Liverpool now? A marker, not an original mile marker is at Eldonian village in Liverpool and shows 127 miles, this is now the end of the canal and their is no distance marker on the original terminus warehouse at Pall Mall, now filled in. So is the canal now only 127 miles long, or even less, there seems to be no definitive answer.
Here is the official half way point, more or less based on the canals original length.
Mile markers, quarter and half, became most important when the toll act was passed in the 1890’s.
The Act of Parliament of 1893 is entitled: ‘Canal Rates Tolls and Charges (Leeds and Liverpool Canal) Order Confirmation Act’. This Act left little room for haggling between the canal company and the owners of the goods to be carried on its canals. Let me quote from the Act to illustrate how detailed was that regulation. It reads: “16. For a fraction of a penny in the gross amount of rates, tolls, and charges for any consignment for the entire distance conveyed, the Company may charge a penny.” And… “18. All stone, when conveyed by the Company, shall be charged by weight when the weight can be conveniently ascertained.
CRT are replacing or repairing all the mile posts for the bicentenary, which is great.